Questions and Answers about the New Enlisted Promotion Point System
Section 1, General Questions:
a. Question: As an HR Specialist, how do I obtain access to the Promotion Point Worksheet (PPW)?
Answer: Please forward your request through email to the Promotions Branch, HRC. Attach request to email and send to
An example of the required memorandum can be found at:
The PPW access memo should be signed by an LTC or above, promotion authority (equivalent civilian is GS13 or above).
b. Question: Will Soldiers still be able to request ETPs to be promoted if they had points (such as awards, APFTs, etc.) dated prior to the cutoff date that were not submitted into the system on time?
Answer: Exceptions will not be granted for late entry of personnel and training data. Also, incorrect promotion scores predicated on missing or inaccurate personnel/training information will not constitute a basis for promotion score adjustments to affect previously announced promotions. Corrections to either the personnel or training records affect promotion scores moving forward and not retroactively.
c. Question: Will the cutoff scores be released every month as they are now, or is that system going to change?
Answer: It will be the same. Cutoff scores are released by the 24th of each month.
d. Question: How will my current (3355 system) promotion point scores be affected by the promotion changes effective 1 June 2011?
Answer: Effective with 1 June 2011 promotions, you will have a revised promotion point score automatically calculated by using promotion point eligible data that exists in your Personnel and Training Records. Promotions effective for 1 June 2011 and after will use the Soldier’s real-time score in calculating the monthly cut-off scores for each MOS.
e. Question: It appears that under the new promotion point scoring system that I could be losing a lot of points because many courses, awards etc., will no longer be eligible for points. Is this a true statement?
Answer: The Army fully expects that most Soldiers’ promotion score will initially drop dramatically as a result of the new scoring system. However, keep in mind, the cut-off scores will also drop to a proportionate level to promote the same number of Soldiers prior to using the new point system.
f. Question: I have some items that would count for promotion points that aren’t currently in my record, what should I do?
Answer: A Soldier’s promotion score is established entirely based on the data collected and stored in the personnel and training databases. Therefore, it’s imperative that Soldiers keep their eMILPO and ATRRS information current - it’s the only way that promotion points will be added in order to reflect an increased promotion point total. See your Unit S-1 for eMILPO and your unit Training NCO for ATRRS changes – and be sure to bring in your source documents.
g. Question: Why are there differences in the individual section point totals for each grade?
Answer: The new point system was designed to affect Soldier’s behavior, shifting the point weighting to the areas of most importance for that grade. Example: the Army desires SPC to focus on mastering basic Soldier Skills i.e., Weapons Qualification and APFT first and then shift more time and attention to military education and civilian education after they attain the rank of SGT. SPC to SGT points focus on Soldiering skills and SGT to SSG shift their focus on basic leadership.
h. Question: What can leaders do to ensure the transition to the revised semi-centralized system works smoothly?
Answer: Unit leaders must continually stress to Soldiers the importance of ensuring their ERB and record of training (ATRRS) is up-to-date!
i. Question: When a Soldier reclassifies, when is he/she eligible to be promoted in the new MOS?
Answer: Reclassified Soldiers are eligible for promotion in the new MOS effective the first day of the second month following award of the new MOS. For example, if a Soldier reclassifies, graduates AIT and is awarded MOS 68W on 7 June 2011, he or she is eligible for promotion as a 68W no earlier than 1 August 2011.
j. Question: Are there still minimum points in order to be considered "recommended" (350 for SGT and 450 for SSG)?
Answer: By default, yes. Because a Soldier must have a minimum passing APFT score, the minimum points required to get integrated onto the list is 40 points for recommendation to SGT and 15 points for recommendation to SSG. Any Soldier the promotion authority identifies as having potential for promotion (with a passing APFT) will be added to the list – regardless of their points.
k. Question: Will NCOES waivers still be authorized under this new system, and if so, under what circumstances and how do to Soldiers apply?
Answer: Yes, WLC waivers for SSG remain unchanged. Commanders may request WLC waivers for deployed SGTs. If approved, the WLC waiver authorizes integration to the SSG recommended list and, if otherwise selected, promotion to SSG. The policy requires completion of WLC within 270 days of the Soldiers re-deployment. Failure to complete WLC within 270 days following re-deployment will result in either reduction to SGT or removal from the SSG recommended list – whichever may apply. EPMD (HRC) - Schools Branch is responsible for WLC waivers.
Section 2: Adding/Updating Promotion Points
a. Question: What is the procedure for Soldiers adding additional points following their board appearance? Once they have been integrated to the Promotion Standing List and affected changes through ERB updates, are there further requirements to ensure that the promotion points are updated?
Answer: After eMILPO and ATRRS updates, Soldier’s should verify their PPW for correct promotion points by comparing their PPW with their ERB and training records. For further assistance, see your BDE/BN S1.
Steps to access your PPW:
- Soldiers (Private (E1) – Sergeant(5)) can log into the PPW from the AKO website:
- Under Army Links click on Enlisted Promotions, at the bottom of the screen, check the box left of submit, then click the submit button. On the next screen, click CAC Login or type in your AKO username and password, then click submit.
b. Question: If a Soldier is prior service how would they convert their schools and awards over to fit the new system?
Answer: All items must be added by the BDE/BN S1 or MPD. The Soldier will present the source document for addition to the ERB. Use of a DD Form 214 is authorized for prior service Soldiers. For items not annotated on the DD Form 214, the Soldier must have the specific source document (i.e. Honor Graduate must have DA Form 1059).
Promotion points are not awarded for military training courses not listed in ATRRS. Only formal training listed in ATRRS is authorized promotion points. Some other service courses are in fact in ATRRS - promotion points are limited to only those courses.
c. Question: What is the last date you can add items into eMILPO for update to the PPW for the next month’s promotion selection list?
Answer: The 8th of the month is the last day points may be updated in order for points to be considered for the next month's promotion selections. If the 8th falls on a weekend or holiday, you would either need to input on the last duty day prior to the 8th or work the weekend to input on the 8th. However, you should continually add entries to the ERB as the Soldier provides documentation. There is no “window” for updating the ERB.
d. Question: Can Command List Integration (CLI),formerly ALI, Soldiers add points?
Answer: No, CLI Soldiers will have to appear before the promotion board first in order to add promotion points.
Section 3: APFT/Profiles
a. Question: Since the APFT data will be pulled from eMILPO, how will the PPW know to recalculate scores for those with permanent profiles?
Answer: APFT scores for Soldiers with permanent profiles will need to be entered into eMILPO as the APFT score for promotion purposes. For example, if a Soldier scored 93 points on the push up event and 95 points on the sit up event, you would average the two scores to get an aerobic event score (94 points is the average). Add the three scores for a total of (282 points); this score will be entered into eMILPO.
b. Question: Military Training; Okay...maybe I'm just bad at math, but the Military Training section seems like it's not adding up right. For Staff Sergeants, Section 1 has a maximum of 255 points with 60 points for Combat Experience, 100 points for Weapons Qualification, and 100 Points for Physical Training. Am I missing something where even if you max all three, you can still only get a total of 255 for that section?
Answer: First takeaway: A Soldier will need a record of deployment time in order to "max" the category. Without deployment, Soldiers who max the APFT and weapons qualification will score 200 promotion points out of 255 when competing for SSG.
Second takeaway: Soldiers that max the deployment category do not have to max the APFT or weapons qualification to max the category. When Soldiers max the deployment total of 60, a Soldier will have to attain a total of 195 APFT/weapon promotion points of the remaining 200 when competing for SSG. Promotion points will not "bleed over" within each section of the PPW. Soldiers can only receive the max points specified for each section of the PPW. (ie. Section A of the PPW for SGT/E5 cannot exceed the max points of 340. Section A of the PPW for SSG/E6 cannot exceed max points of 255. It was never the intent to have the sub-total's represent the maximum score a Soldier can otherwise achieve.
c. Question: The APFT scoring procedures for permanent profiles should be revised. Under both the current policy and the policy as outlined in the change, Soldiers who max the Push-up and Sit-up events but take an alternate aerobic event are awarded 300 points, while Soldiers who cannot perform either the push-up or sit-up event but max the run event are only able to achieve a total score of 260 (for taking either the p/u or s/u events) or 220 (for not being able to take either the p/u or s/u events). This seriously hampers Soldiers with disabilities brought about by combat-incurred injuries (such as broken bones in the upper arms as the result of injury from gunshot wounds or IED shrapnel being embedded in the bones of the arms), while favoring those Soldiers who have other "health" related issues, such as asthma or toxic-exposure symptoms. Are there any plans to revise the method of scoring for profiles to get rid of this problem?
Answer: AR 600-8-19, paragraph 1-32 already addresses this issue. Soldiers with permanent profiles resulting from combat related operations who are unable to take an aerobic or alternate APFT event due to a permanent physical profile will use their last record APFT score until the Soldier is medically cleared to take the record APFT. If the Soldier’s last score was a failing score, that Soldier will be granted a minimum qualifying score of 60 points for each APFT event.
d. Question: Can Soldiers with a temporary profile (not combat related), who have a record APFT score that is over one year old, but is able to take the alternate record APFT, get promotion points under the same rules as someone with a permanent profile or do they lose all APFT promotion points after their last APFT is over a year old?
Answer: Per AR 350-1, Chapter 1, paragraph 1-24e(4), personnel with permanent medical profiles that preclude participation in the push-up or sit-up event will take the remaining events if a physician or physician's assistant approves. The 2-mile run event, or an approved alternate test event as outlined in TC 3-22.20 (formerly FM 21-20), dated 20 Aug 10, must be taken if the test is for record. The alternate test is for Soldiers with permanent physical profiles that prevent them from running 2 miles. Soldiers with temporary profiles of long duration (more than 3 months) may also take an alternate test if approved by the commander and health care personnel. Soldiers must be given 3 months to prepare for the alternate test from either the date of the profile or the date recommended by health care personnel. Award of promotion points are consistent with promotion points awarded to Soldiers with permanent profiles. Sit-up and/or push-ups events will be granted 60 points for each event waived while using the actual score for each event actually performed. Soldiers must qualify on the 2-mile run or approved alternate aerobic event according to TC 3-22.20. Soldiers receiving a “GO” on a 2-mile alternate event receive a score for that event equal to the average of the scores for the other two events.
Section 4: Army Correspondence Course Program (ACCP)
a. Question: Are Army Correspondence Courses still eligible for promotion points?
Answer: Yes. In order to earn promotion points, Soldiers must complete the entire correspondence course they are enrolled in and possess a certificate of completion. Individual sub-courses on their own will not count for promotion points.
b. Question: Will Soldiers lose those sub-course points? Or are they "grandfathered"?
Answer: Sub-courses will not be grandfathered. Soldiers must have record of a completed full course. Sub-courses are only part of a full course.
c. Question: On the chart for the conversion of Army Correspondence Courses, are the point values attributed to each individual sub-course and then added together, or are the total hours calculated first, and then converted to promotion points? I am guessing that the first is true, seeing that the chart only goes to 320 hours, but I would like to clarify it.
Answer: Promotion points will be based on 1 point per 5 hours of completed ACCP training – restricted to courses completed in their entirety. The Soldier must have record of a completed full course and the total credit hours for the entire course will be divided by 5 to determine promotion points.
d. Question: Is there a max number of points a Soldier can earn for ACCP?
Answer: The maximum number of points is only restricted to the total points that can be potentially earned in the overall category. Computation of promotion points is a simple mathematical computation. For example, a Soldier completes three ACCP course consisting of 40 hours, 165 hours and 228 hours. Add the total hours completed (40+165+228=433 hours), then divide by 5 (433/5=86.6), then drop any decimal points. In this example the Soldier is awarded 86 promotion points.
e. Question: Is full ACCP course completion required to count as points? I'm being told that ACCP credit hours will only count towards promotion if a SM has completed the full course. Is this true?
Answer: Yes. Effective with 1 June 2011 promotions, Soldiers receive promotion points for full ACCP course completion only. Courses completed after 22 December 2010 will be added to the Soldiers ERB via ATRRS. Courses completed prior to 22 December 2010 should be added to the Soldiers ERB by the BDE/BN S1 or MPD based on a certificate of completion.
Section 5: Audits
a. Question: Who will conduct promotion audits?
Answer: BDE and BN S1s.
b. Question: What will trigger an audit report and when will the first be available?
Answer: The audit report will be triggered based off of the HQDA SGT/SSG promotion BY-Name list. A total of 5% of the promotion selections will be audited.
Example: If 1,000 SPC are selected for promotion to SGT for the entire Army, 5% of 1,000 will be audited. This means 50 SPC will be audited throughout the entire Army each month. The first available report will be the last week of May 2011 for 1 June 2011 promotion selections.
c. Question: If a Soldier has made no additions in the new system and their name appears on the audit report, does the audit have to be performed?
Answer: Yes
d. Question: My unit is currently deployed. Many Soldiers state that their supporting documents are in the rear and that they would only be able to provide them once they re-deploy. What do we tell them?
Answer: The intent and purpose of conducting promotion audits is to ensure the new automated application is accurate and maintains integrity of our promotion system. Conducting audits for deployed Soldiers, who are not in a position to authenticate or provide documents to validate their promotion point computations, will not assist with this effort. Consequently, Soldiers will be exempt from official HQDA audits while deployed.
e. Question: How do we submit audit results to HRC?
Answer: Units will not have to forward results of their audits to HRC. Audit results will be generated by HRC. If units do not conduct their audits, HRC will know and will contact the unit. Audits must be completed through the PPW system.
Information on audits is in The Automated Promotion Point Worksheet User Manual, located on the HRC website,
f. Question: If it is determined during the audit that the Soldier cannot substantiate some of his/her points, who corrects the points?
Answer: When an audit reveals that a Soldier had unearned promotion points, the S1 conducting the audit will adjust the promotion points accordingly.
g. Question: If we audit someone and find out that they have added entries to their ERB and they do not have documentation (i.e. COA's), what steps do we take?
Answer: If a Soldier cannot substantiate points during an audit, the S1 must make a point adjustment and inform both the Soldier's command and the Soldier with the findings and a notification of adjusted points. Commanders will decide what actions toward the Soldier are appropriate if any, based on the audit results.
h. Question: On audits, what happens to the Soldier who is selected to be audited and the Soldier is not present for duty during the timeframe (i.e. TDY, leave, deployment) for a period of 30 days or more? Also, in these instances, what if they meet the cutoff score for promotion before the audit can be conducted?
Answer: If the Soldiers are absent and cannot be audited, that would be annotated on the audit report in the PPW system from the options in the pull down menu. The Soldier will be audited upon his return. The promotions should occur as scheduled, however, as the intent is not to punish Soldiers for being away from home station, only to ensure that we protect the intent and integrity of the system to the best of our ability.
Section 6: Awards/Certificates of Achievement (COA)
a. Question: In AR 600-8-19, chapter 3, Para 3-43, Driver and Mechanic Badge, maximum 5 points. 1 June 2011 it will be changed to 10 points. Will Soldiers who have multiple Driver and Mechanic Badges be able to get points for more than one?
Answer: NO. A Soldier will only receive a maximum of 10 points for award of the basic Driver & Mechanic Badge.
b. Question: With the change, Drill SGT, Recruiter, Parachute, and Air Assault badges will be awarded points but not the schools. Will the system be set up to ignore these schools that are recorded on the ERB so the Soldiers don’t get points under military education?
Answer: Yes.
c. Question: Certificates of Achievements (COA): The maximum promotion points you can receive for COAs is 20. Will the ERB be adjusted so unit personnel can only input up to 4 COAs? Right now you can input more than 4 COAs on the ERB.
Answer: No, the system will be designed so that the Soldier can add all COA’s that they have, however, only 4 will earn promotion points.
d. Question: How about points for the gold recruiting badge? The list shows only the basic recruiter badge.
Answer: The list was modified to include both the Gold Recruiter Badge and two newly approved badges (Space Badge and Master Recruiter Badge). You will be able to receive promotion points for the following:
Master Recruiter Badge (20 points)
Gold Recruiter Badge (20 points)
Basic US Army Recruiter Badge (15 points)
It is important to note that award of promotion points for levels of proficiency (in this case, recruiting) are not cumulative. Promotion points for award of the Master Recruiter Badge are not added to points awarded for the Basic Recruiter Badge – but simply replace the points earned for the lesser badge.
e. Question: I earned numerous awards and decorations during my prior service with the Marine Corps. Will those awards qualify for Army promotion points?
Answer: Yes, awards and decorations earned in other U.S. Uniformed Services receive the same points as corresponding/equivalent Army awards.
Section 7: Civilian Education/Certifications
a. Question: Explain the conversion of Classroom, Clock, Contact Hours (CH) and Quarter Hours (QH)
Answer: For every 15 classroom, clock or contact hours, Soldiers will be awarded promotion points equivalent to 1 semester hour (1 point). For every 1.5 Quarter hours, Soldiers will be awarded promotion points equivalent to 1 semester hour (1 point). For example, if a Soldier earns 312 clock hours, award 20 promotion points (312 divided by 15). For 28 Quarter hours, award 18 promotion points (28 divided by 1.5).
b. Question: The new policy states that Soldiers get 10 points for 1/1 on DLPT but it's not clear to me if a Soldier has multiple languages, do they get additional points?
Answer: No, Soldiers will not receive additional promotion points for multiple DLPT’s. The maximum points earned for this is 10.
c. Question: How is civilian education verified with transcripts?
Answer: All civilian education must be accredited. Once the education center or BDE/BN S1 validates the school/transcript the Soldier may add subsequent course points/hours for that institution. If audited, Soldiers must produce source documents. S1’s are responsible for ensuring accreditation by using the following websites: or Soldiers currently enrolled in a college/university are required to provide a single transcript from their current college/university consolidating all past civilian education. Soldiers that have multiple transcripts who are not currently enrolled in a college/university may take these transcripts and grade slips to the local education center for assistance. The local education center will provide only an assessment of the total number of non-duplicated postsecondary credit for submission to the unit as the source document to update eMILPO/personnel records with the total number of credit hours. The total number of credits an accredited institution grants towards a degree will be the basis for granting promotion points.
d. Question: Can we accept student copies of college transcripts for verification of promotion points?
Answer: Yes.
e. Question: I have had some Soldiers that have taken and completed some FEMA courses on line and have a certificate for them. What I don't know is are they Military or Civilian ED, and how do you add them to your records?
Answer: FEMA courses are not valid for awarding promotion points under military education or civilian education. Although Soldiers completed the courses online and are awarded a certificate, it is not a TRADOC approved course and is not listed in AR 350-1.
f. Question: What is the policy for receiving promotion points for Technical Certifications?
Answer: 10 promotion points are granted for each TRADOC-approved technical/industry/ professional certification earned, not to exceed award for five certifications or 50 promotion points. Recertification will not result in duplicate award of promotion points. Below is a link to the promotion's website that lists TRADOC approved technical certifications: Points are awarded under civilian education.
g. Question: Do Soldiers receive promotion points for a CEU?
Answer: No. CEU is not authorized for promotion points.
Section 8: Command List Integration
a. New Question: Will Soldiers still be integrated onto the SGT/SSG standing list via the Automatic List Integration (ALI) process?
Answer: Yes. Effective with this change, ALI will be re-designated as Command List Integration (CLI). Soldiers who meet the established criteria will be integrated onto the SGT/SSG standing list and awarded 39 and 14 points respectively. However, in order to attain more points, Soldiers with CLI status must appear before a promotion board.
b. Question: Why are promotion points for command list integration (CLI) for Soldiers integrated onto the SGT promotion list 39 promotion points and for Soldiers integrated onto the SSG promotion list, 14 promotion points?
Answer: Soldiers must have a passing APFT. The CLI points are one point less than the lowest point on the APFT table so that we can easily ensure all Soldiers who were boarded are promoted before a CLI promotion takes place.
c. Question: I received a memo from one of our BN's requesting removal from the C-10 report and CLI list. I went on eMILPO and tried to remove the Soldier with the Deny Promotion List Auto Integration function, but it said some functions are restricted by rank. How do I remove the Soldier from the C10 report?
Answer: It appears that the Soldier was already list integrated and awarded promotion points for CLI. Once Soldiers are integrated and in a promotable status, a removal board must be conducted to remove the Soldier from the promotion standing list, unless conditions exists as outlined in AR 600-8-19, Para 3-26. If on the AAA-294 report, the commander circled "no" for list integration and the S1 failed to deny integration in eMILPO by the 10th of the month, the Soldiers points should be removed using EDAS and this will remove them from the C10 report and the promotion standing list.
d. Question: A CLI Soldier was removed from the promotion standing list due to an APFT failure. After the flag is removed, when will the Soldier be reintegrated onto the CLI promotion standing list?
Answer: The Soldier should appear on the next report after the flag is lifted. It is up to the Company Commander whether they will reintegrate the Soldier circling “YES” or circling “NO” on the AAA-294. Soldiers must be counseled when not recommended.
e. Question: Do CLI Soldiers have to appear before the promotion board before they can add promotion points?
Answer: Yes, in order to add promotion points, CLI Soldiers must appear before a promotion board.
Section 9: Counseling
a. Question: On the Enlisted Advancement Report (AAA-294) for personnel that are circled “NO” for fully eligible, do you have to get a counseling monthly or quarterly?
Answer: Yes, (AR 600-8-19, Para 1-26). "First-line leaders will counsel Soldiers who are eligible for promotion to PV2 through SSG without a waiver (fully qualified) but not recommended in writing. Counseling will take place initially when the Soldier attains eligibility, and at least every 3 months thereafter, and include information as to why the Soldier was not recommended and what can be done to correct deficiencies or qualities that reflect a lack of promotion potential." Soldiers deployed should be counseled in the same manner as those at home station.
b. Question: If a Soldier is flagged and is circled “NO” for fully eligible, would a copy of the flag be enough versus a counseling?
Answer: If the Soldier is flagged, then a copy of the counseling for the action causing the flag will suffice. The important thing is that the Soldier understands the flagging action and all of the consequences including their being denied board appearance or list integration for advancement (via counseling). If the Soldier was counseled concerning the action causing the flag and is told they are denied advancement, then the intent has been met. If the Soldier has not been counseled, then it becomes a leader issue.
Section 10: Deployments
a. Question: Will combat deployments while members of another service (Air Force, Marines, etc.) count for promotion points?
Answer: Yes. If the Soldier brings in a DD Form 214 from a combat deployment while they were a member of another service, the ability to include those months in the deployment counter on the ERB does exist and they will get promotion points up to the maximum designated.
b. Question: If a Soldier has 12 months and 7 days of deployment time, does the Soldier get credit for that extra month if he only completed 7 days of the following month?
Answer: No. Seven days of deployment time does not make a deployment month. You must have at least 15 or more days to receive a complete month. Deployment months for promotion points will be determined by the months placed on your ERB in section I - Assignment Information - OS/Deployment Combat Duty.
c. Question: Why will Soldiers receive points for deploying? What about me if I can’t deploy?
Answer: Soldiers will receive two promotion points per month in order to recognize the invaluable experiences gained while deployed in a combat zone. These experiences shape their overall professional development in a positive manner – this simply recognizes it. Points are limited to 15 combat months to SGT and 30 combat months to SSG. Soldiers who ‘max’ their APFT and Weapons Qualification cannot max out the Military Training category without having deployed. If you cannot deploy, shift your focus on education opportunities (both military and civilian).
The rules for updating deployment months are that it's done upon completion of deployment (redeployment). Soldiers will not receive promotion points until after redeployment and the total months deployed are captured in their records.
Section 11: Flags/Removal from Promotion Standing List
a. Question: Are Soldiers who are flagged automatically removed from the E5/E6 promotion standing list?
Answer: No, not automatically. If a Soldier is given an adverse action flag, since you do not know what action the commander will take, the Soldier still remains on the promotion standing list (in a non-promotable status) until the final disposition. If the Soldier receives anything other than a summarized ART 15 then the Soldier is to be removed. If the Soldier receives a summarized ART 15 or is exonerated, they remain on the list.
If Soldiers are selected for promotion and flagged after the BY-NAME list is posted, there will be a relook of the system for flagged Soldiers prior to the 1st of the month to prevent by-name selection and ultimate promotion.
b. Question: Should Soldiers who receive a Summarized Article 15 be removed from the promotion standing list?
Answer: No, a Soldier who receives a Summarized Article 15 should NOT be removed from the standing list.
c. Question: Voluntary Removal from the SGT/SSG Standing List: I have a SGT(P) in our battalion who wants to reenlist to re-class for another MOS. In order for him to do so, he can’t be promotable. Is there any way I can remove him from the promotion standing list without making it seem like there were any negative actions against him?
Answer: If the Soldier is requesting to be removed from the promotion standing list to concur with a reenlistment/reclassification action several steps must be completed.
1. Soldier must submit a request to be removed from the list, based on the circumstances, to their Chain of Command, (Company Commander). The request can be in memo or DA Form 4187 format.
2. Unit Commander (Company), with the assistance of the Retention NCO, will endorse the Soldier's request with all pertinent information, i.e. MOS requested, details of reclassification, and the commander will make a recommendation to the promotion authority.
3. The Promotion Authority, (Battalion Commander) will approve/disapprove the action and forward to the BN S1 for action.
4. If the action is approved, the BN S1 will remove the Soldier's promotion points through the PPW. If the action is disapproved or withdrawn, no action is taken.
5. Once complete, the BN S1 will complete a memorandum notifying the Soldier of the action completion date and include all enclosures, i.e., Soldier request, command endorsements.
6. A copy will be kept with the Soldier's Personnel File within the BN S1.
Section 12: Meeting Cutoff Scores/Promotion Orders
a. Question: Under the new system, are promotion orders still required and if so who cuts the orders?
Answer: Promotion orders are still required and are cut by BDE S1 or MPD for non PSDR units. The authorities and functions of orders production agencies/staffs remains the same.
b. Question: Is the requirement to verify points when a Soldier makes cut-off still a valid requirement and if so who is responsible?
Answer: The only requirement when the Soldier meets the cutoff score is to ensure they are otherwise eligible. This includes ensuring they are not flagged and that they have a valid APFT (within 12 months or Commander's memo if deployed). There is no requirement to verify scores and to do so would indicate that something was not entered in the system correctly initially. Because the score is based on the Soldier's record, it's critical that data entries - right up front - be done accurately. Once the Army sees the score, there is an expectation that all Soldiers selected be promoted - unless they are not qualified at the time of selection. The new system does not change that. Initially, 5% of all Soldiers selected for promotion (by-name) will be audited to ensure integrity of the system.
Section 13: Military Training/Certifications
a. Question: The proposed policy says formal military training in ATRRS will be worth 4 points per week. I also am reading further down that 10 points will be given for Soldier Training Courses completed that are listed in AR 350-1. Is that 10 points period or 10 points per week?
Answer: Soldiers will be granted 10 promotion points upon completion of each Soldier Training Course, not per week of training. All other formal military training (less PME) in ATRRS will earn 4 points per week of training.
b. Question: Why is so much emphasis allowed for the computer-based training? Not that cheating doesn't occur in a classroom or in the field, but even with all that has been done, cheating online courses still happens.
Answer: Points earned as a result of computer based training have been drastically reduced under this system, and in recent years, more emphasis has been placed on preventing students from sharing information. The new system also requires full course completion rather than granting promotion points for sub-courses, which will encourage more students to work on their own to complete the course.
c. Question: I’m competing for SSG; why don’t I receive 80 points for completion of WLC like the SPC competing for SGT does?
Answer: WLC is a promotion eligibility requirement for recommendation to the rank of SSG – so all SGT’s will be graduates of the course – mitigating its impact on determining a best-qualified Soldier for promotion. Its true value to the promotion process is in recognition of the increased potential a CPL/SPC will have by graduating the course – compared to those who have not completed the training.
d. Question: I used to get military education points for completion of basic airborne training and completion of Drill Sergeant School. Under the new point system I no longer qualify for points in the military education section for completing these courses, why not?
Answer: Badge producing schools will be awarded points in the military awards section and not military education section. Soldiers won’t be authorized to earn points in two different sections for completing badge producing schools as they currently do because it is redundant. The value added for completing the course – resulting in award of a badge – was fully taken into consideration.
Section 14: Promotion Boards
a. Question: DA Forms 3356 and 3357 will be obsolete. How will the S1 record the boards’ recommendation to the Promotion Authority to either recommend or not recommend the Soldier (go/no go)?
Answer: A memorandum (board proceedings) will be required to capture a board’s recommendation to the Promotion Authority; based on the majority vote (GO/NO-GO) of the board members. The specific format is included in the revision to AR 600-8-19. Ultimately, the Promotion Authority will either approve or disapprove (by memorandum) the board’s recommendation. This constitutes the only administrative requirement that captures the authority to integrate (or not) a name to the recommended list. As such, a copy must be provided to each Soldier affected.
b. Question: Will the Soldier be present at the promotion board or just the panel (board members)?
Answer: The Soldier will be required to personally appear before the promotion board.
c. Question: Will promotion board proceedings still be processed and signed by the promotion authority and President of the Board even though there will be no commander or board points listed? If yes, do the promotion board proceedings still need to be maintained? When a Soldier PCS’s will they need a copy so they can turn-in the proceedings to their gaining command?
Answer: Yes, the promotion board proceedings signature authority will not change. While there will be no board points or Commander’s Points listed, a GO/NO GO will be implemented. Soldiers and BDE/BN S1’s should maintain a copy of the board proceedings. Soldiers should be provided and a copy and are encouraged to maintain a copy of the promotion board proceedings for their own personal records. Once they are integrated onto the promotion selection list, they can view and print their PPW. If block 6 displays E5 or E6, it verifies they were integrated onto the HQDA promotion standing list.
d. Question: What do you do if a Soldier on the promotion standing list in processes and doesn’t have a copy of their board proceedings and you can’t get a copy from the previous unit that boarded the Soldier? Are there any exceptions to allow integration without the board proceedings?
Answer: Prior to the Soldier’s PCS, each Soldier should ensure that they were integrated onto the promotion selection list. After they are integrated, they can view and print their PPW. If block 6 displays E5 or E6, then they were integrated onto the HQDA promotion standing list. Producing a copy of the memorandum authorizing them list integration can verify actual list status. If a Soldier fails to accomplish either, they will need to reappear before the promotion board.
Section 15: Promotion Packets
a. Question: Without a promotion packet for us to base the points off of, how will the initial points be entered into EDAS now?
New Answer: An automated calculation of promotion scores will be based on Soldier’s personnel and training data maintained in both the Electronic Military Personnel Office (EMILPO) and the Army Training Requirements and Resources Systems (ATRRS). Initial points will transmit from the PPW system to EDAS after the Soldier is integrated onto the HQDA promotion selection list. These points change as data entries are made. Subsequent points will transmit automatically based on information that is entered onto the ERB or through ATRRS. A Soldiers actual score (for any given promotion month) will be based on what their calculated score is on the 8th day of the preceding promotion month.
b. Question: What happens to the old manual promotion packet, does the MPD need to keep any documentation?
New Answer: No, promotion scores are a function of an automated process, there is no promotion packet. Upon receipt of the promotion board’s recommendation, the promotion authority’s decision to authorize integration of a Soldier onto the promotion recommended list will be by memorandum (board proceedings). The unit will maintain the original memorandum and provide a copy to all Soldiers considered by the promotion authority during the given month.
Section 16: Reports
a. Question: Does the MPD/BDE S1 still pull C-10's from EDAS to pass out to our units each month and does the MPD/BDE S1 still pull By-Name list from EDAS each month to do promotions?
Answer: Yes, MPD/BDE S1 still performs these functions.
b. Question: Who maintains the Enlisted Promotion Report (AAA- 294) and Enlisted Advanced Report (AAA-117) under this system?
Answer: Those reports are maintained at the BDE/BN S1, provided that is where the promotion boards are held and the promotion authority is the BDE or BN CDR.
c. Question: Will requests for denying CLI be handled as they are now?
Answer: Yes, this step in the process will not change. The Commander will need to take action to deny Command List Integration by the 8th of the month. Failure to take action will result in the Soldiers integration onto the promotion recommended list.
Section 17: Source Documents for Points
a. Question: Is the ERB going to be the new sole source document now?
Answer: No. The ERB is simply a generated report that captures what information is maintained in the personnel database. Source documents remain unchanged – and must be produced in order to affect a change to the personnel database.
b. Question: What about items not listed on the ERB that still provide points such as NCOES achievements?
Answer: NCOES achievements are worth promotion points. In this case, the source document is the DA Form 1059 (Academic Evaluation Report). As Soldiers complete their respective training, the graduation codes in ATRRS will capture those individuals who graduate with honors and ATRRS will feed it to the personnel database – enabling an entry on the ERB and the correct award of increased promotion points. For NCOES achievements that are not updated through ATRRS, Soldiers will be required to bring their source document (Academic Evaluation Report - AER) to their S1 for updates through eMILPO.
Although NCOES achievements will not be viewable on the ERB until August 2011, promotion points are still awarded automatically.
c. Question: Credentialing Opportunities On-Line (COOL) - How can I add certifications that are listed under the COOL website towards promotion points?
Answer: You need to go to your S1 and have those documented courses added through eMILPO.
d. Question: Can the DD 214 and the NGB Form 22 be used as a source document for verification of awards for promotion purposes?
Answer: Yes
e. Question: This new system may create a problem of proper documentation. Can/should the S-1 shops still ask for proof of documentation and create our own packets?
Answer: It is not required, however, that can be a local policy. Audits will be required, which will require Soldiers to produce source documents. One of the objectives with this change is to greatly reduce/eliminate administrative support requirements. With effective personnel information management techniques – Soldiers will have the right scores because the databases will be updated with the right information.
Section 18: Weapons Qualification
a. Question: Currently, the system is not calculating points for weapons qualification scores older than two years. Is there going to be an update to change the system or will the regulation change for Soldiers who are assigned to units without weapons or are physically unable to qualify?
Answer: Weapons qualification will comprise the most recent qualification score (but not older than 24 months) with the Soldier’s assigned weapon. The most recent qualification will be used. However, if the Soldier fails to qualify through his or her own fault, no valid score will exist. Qualification scores will be provided by the commander for input to the database. If individual weapon qualification cannot be provided by the commander and verifying information is not available, zero promotion points will be awarded. Soldiers assigned to an organization without weapons can use their latest qualification as an exception to the 24-month limit. However, once assigned to an organization with weapons, the Soldier will have 12 months to qualify with assigned weapon or will lose their most recent score. Soldiers with physical profiles resulting from combat related operations who are unable to qualify with a weapon due to a physical limitation will use their last weapon qualification score until the Soldier is medically cleared to fire for qualification. If the Soldier’s last qualifying score was a failing score, that Soldier (regardless of primary weapon assigned) will be granted a minimum qualifying score of 23 hits on the M16 scale, DA Form 5790-R.
The same applies to a Soldier who is pregnant and cannot qualify with their weapon. The Company Commander may sign a memorandum to be used to determine the qualification date and the memorandum should be attached to the latest weapons qualification scorecard. The weapons qualification should be updated on eMILPO using the date of the memo signed by the Company Commander. The Soldier should maintain a copy of the memorandum with their other source documents.
b. Question: Alternate Weapons Qualification. We recently had an Engagement Skills Trainer (EST 2000) system installed on our installation. Can this system be used as "other weapons authorized for qualification"?
Answer: No, ESTs cannot be used as an alternative. If they have no weapons, see question a above. A Soldier's individually assigned weapon should normally be the M16A2 rifle; however, it may be another individually assigned weapon when duty or MTOE requires (for example, 9 mm pistol for military police). The Commander's decision applies.
c. Question: Does qualifying with an M4 with Optics count as a record qualification for promotion points?
Answer: Yes. According to the Army G3 Directorate of Training SGM, an NCO is authorized to qualify for record with an M4, Close Combat Optic (CCO)/ Advanced Combat Optical Gun-sight (ACOG) utilizing the same qualification record form as the M16 (DA Form 3595-R & 5790-R, dated SEP 08). Therefore, qualification with optics is the record weapons qualification if the Soldier is assigned additional optics and should be used for awarding promotion points. DA Pam 350-38, Para 5-6 states, "Only Soldiers assigned additional optics/NVDs are authorized to conduct qualification event listed." According to G-3, in most cases, units are not authorized enough ammunition to qualify with both optics and iron sights so the qualification with optics has to be the record.
Army Soldiers
What's really going on in today's Army
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Media is all over the buzz that the combat troops are leaving Iraq and coming home. There are headlines like "the last convoy" and "going home" but what has really changed? All that I see is that we were taken out of one mess and got thrown into another. Our brothers and sisters are still being murdered everyday by these ungrateful bastards so what difference does it make? Die in one crap hole or the one down the road. The truth is that we will not be completely out of Iraq for a very long time and I firmly believe that Iraq will be the next South Korea, 60 years later and we are still baby sitting those people so where do you think that we are headed with the people of Iraq? The government is corrupt, the Iraqi army is poorly trained and not trusted by the people and those idiot Jihadists that just won't go away, they continue to terrorize the people and stop progress. All I am saying is that the Obama administration should not be getting praise while there are still Soldiers dying on the battle field and who knows how many more that have yet to pay the price. Strict rules of engagement ROE make it difficult for the Combat Troops to properly defend themselves and enforce the rules. I still don't quite comprehend why our Civilian leadership sends us into these conflict areas and then take away our ability to take the appropriate actions in order to effectively accomplish the mission. I know that most of you have seen on the news all of those Soldiers that have been prosecuted and booted from service (not the idiots from Abu Ghraib prison) because some politician thought that they were a bit tough on the bad guys, Hello these are people that are shooting at the troops not throwing flowers at them. This is one of the reasons why this country should not be lead by people that have no clue about military service and not even wore the uniform to a Halloween party. Good luck to all who are deployed now and those who are headed there, I will be going down for my second tour some time next year. Stay safe and god bless.
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Monday, July 26, 2010
Fat Soldiers

What’s the deal with so many fat Soldiers? It Seems that year after year they just keep getting fatter and fatter, damn there is no excuse for wearing some tight ass ACUs unless the Soldier has some kind of known medical condition which prevents him/her from losing the chunks. The bottom line is that these NCOs need to do their job and get these porkers in line by implementing a rigorous Physical Training program and sticking with it. Have you ever seen a fat Marine? I haven’t yet and I been in service for 6 years, now I can’t say that my Soldiers are chiseled, body building, PT studs but they can at least pass their APFT and meet the height and weight standards set by the Army. During the time that I have been in service I have seen too many fat Soldiers ride the system, getting profile after profile followed by appointments and more profiles, “SGT, I can’t go up them stairs cause it violate mi PROFILE” but the next day you see the SPC Pork-Chop at the club performing moves that are clearly violating his beloved Profile and instantly pissing you off. These are the same Soldiers that ride the system and need to be booted from service because we have standards damn it! And they need to be followed, I know Soldiers that have been on the overweight program for over 4 years and are still in the Army and please correct me if I am wrong but AR 600-9 clearly states the following:
• If you are enrolled in the program within 12 months from the date of your removal, you will be separated from the military.
• If you are enrolled in the program after 12 months but within 36 months from the date of your removal, you will be given 90 days to meet the standard. If you fail to meet the standard in the allotted 90 days, you will be separated from the military.
So how in the hell are these Soldiers still in service? Well let me tell the 2 main reasons,
1. Noncommissioned Officers not doing their job and keeping records, overweight counseling statements and all documents to separate the Fat Soldier from service.
2. Weak Commanders that don’t know the regulations and possibly feel sorry for the little porkers don’t follow thru with the separation process.
Need information on overweight counseling examples, regulations or memorandums? Check our or
Got something to say? Then post a comment, I know this is an ongoing problem across all ranks and MOS career fields.
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